The Consent Collective Ltd wants to work in a way that respects your privacy. We do not collect personally identifiable information about you unless you voluntarily provide it, such as when you provide email contact information to subscribe to our email list newsletter, send feedback to us, register for one of our courses or respond to a survey.

If you voluntarily provide your email address or other contact information, we may use it to inform you of changes to our courses, events, to ask you for feedback or to ask you for your support. At your request, we will remove your contact information from these mailing lists.

It is possible for you to request that we remove all the information we hold about you, however, as your email address and name are required to ensure that your subscription is active this will result in the cancellation of your subscription.

Some of our students are enrolled on a course by their employer. In this case we have a contract with your employer to provide a service and your email address and name are supplied to us in order to fulfil that contract. In these instances your employer is responsible for gaining your consent to share your details with us. Some employers wish to have data on how well their staff have engaged with the course material. This data is needed in order to improve our service and in order for clients to know what value for money they are getting from the course. If your employer wishes to receive engagement data from us this will form part of our contract with them and your employer is responsible for ensuring your consent to this information sharing.  

Beyond your employer, we do not make your contact information or any other personally identifiable information available to anyone outside The Consent Collective Ltd unless we are legally required to do so.

In addition to the above, we collect certain anonymous (non-personally identifiable) information to help us improve our web site and to evaluate the access and use of our courses.

Occasionally, we report quoted feedback from users. We do not attribute feedback to specific individuals unless we obtain permission to use that person’s name along with the feedback.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy please get in touch

Thank you

Dr Nina Burrowes - Director The Consent Collective Ltd

[email protected]